Home Of The Lake Ronkonkoma Ice Boat And Yacht Club

You do not have to be a member of LRIBYC to easily communicate via our webpage to the officers of our club.

Since all the club officers will receive the same email message, the message can be
addressed asap by the appropriate officer and we will all be informed at the same time.
Anyone can submit a message containing an ice report, a question about membership, race info, swap meet, club meetings, annual dinner, events being held outside of LRIBYC, or any general question that can be answered by the club officers who are members of the LRIBYC Officers Google Group.

A friend of yours who is not a club member and does not have your cell number, is sailing on a lake and wants to notify LRIBYC of the conditions. Your friend can open our "Contact" webpage, fill out the form, and "SUBMIT" a message.   The message will be automatically sent to our LRIBYC Officers Google Group which will forward the email

Contact Us

Please see the above Page Tabs for for our LRIBYC History, NEWS, Ice Boating Right of Way Rules, Membership applications,  Links to find other Iceboat clubs, and Lake locations.